Japanese Salty Bread


Serve 2-4 pax

Ready in 150 mins


Group 1

280g Bread Flour

18g Sugar

3.5g Yeast

3g Salt

25g Butter

85ml lukewater

85ml Milk


48g Butter

(cut in 8 pieces)



210 degree


Baking time 



    Step 1


Mix well group 1 ingredient


Step 2


Knead it until the dough becomes smooth (about 10-15  mins). Place dough in a bowl, cover and let it rise 60 mins.


Step 3


Once it doubles in size, punch out the air,  divide into 8 equal pieces and shaped in the round. Covered and rest for 15 mins.

Meanwhile, cut 8 pieces of the the cold butter of about 6 grams each (about 10 cm long) in a rectangular shape. Keep the butter in the fridge.


Step 4


Take one piece of round to shaped into cylindrical  and use a rolling pin to roll it into triangular shape with the base of about 15cm x 26 cm each . Put a piece of the butter at the base, roll up and press down to ensure that the butter is totally wrapped by the dough with no chance of leaking. 

 Roll up the dough until it finishes at the sharp end and looks like a croissant. And let it rise for 40mins.


Step 5


Brush the proofed dough some milk or butter, follow by sprinkling some coarse sea salt.


Step 6


Preheat 210 degree. Baking time 16 mins